
Social activities. Projects. Activity. Plans.


Кодекс професійної етики медітора

Рівень будь-якої професійності спільноти визначається наявністю етичного кодексу цієї спільноти.ГО «Ліга медіаторів України», як частина спільноти медіаторів України, з кожним роком зростає як в кількісному, так і в професійному сенсі. Тому для...


Звіт по проекту «Сімейна медіація в період війни»

Звіт по проекту «Сімейна медіація в період війни»ГО «Ліга медіаторів України»за період з 01 липня 2022 до 30 червня 2023р.Мета проекту  - надання послуги сімейної медіації для українських сімей, побут та спілкування...


With international support Ukrainian Mediation League started work on the project "Family Mediation in the Period of War".

The war brought grief to every Ukrainian family. During this time, more than 12 million people were forced to leave their homes and seek safe housing in other regions of the country...


Запрошуємо на Щорічний форум «МЕДІАЦІЯ І ПРАВО»

Раді запросити наших колег, друзів, партнерів та всіх, кому цікава тема медіації на Щорічний форум «МЕДІАЦІЯ І ПРАВО» – найбільший спеціалізований захід міжнародного рівня з медіації для фахівців у галузі права та...


Ліга Медіаторів України підписала завершальні Меморандуми про співпрацю з Київськими місцевими центрами з надання безоплатної вторинної правової допомоги.

Вчора ГО "Ліга Медіаторів України" підписала завершальні Меморандуми про співпрацю з Правобережним та Лівобережним київськими місцевими центрами з надання безоплатної вторинної правової допомоги. Мета Меморандумів - консолідація наших зусиль, спрямованих на срівпрацю...


В День Закоханих з Медіацією)!

Медіації бути! ГО «Ліга Медіаторів України» знайомилась з офіцерами ЗСУ. А Юлія Репіна, співзасновник ЛіМУ, знайомила офіцерів з медіацією. Щира зацікавленість процесом, багато питань та тепла атмосфера заходу наснажують та допомагають нам...


LiMU introduced to the UA officers benefits of mediation!

NGO "League of Mediators of Ukraine", at the invitation of Veteran Hub and Andriy Kozinchuk, introduced to the UA officers, responsible for mental and psychological support the benefits of mediation! Tools and...


"The use of mediation techniques in resolving a dispute with the judge participation"

January 11, 2019, Obolonsky district Court of Kyiv: “Prospects, advantages and disadvantages of the dispute resolution with judge participation”. More:  


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Mediation with the own eyes" in Veteran Hub!

League of Mediators of Ukraine volunteers with the support of GO Dobrovoltsi and Veteran Hub, for the first time provided an opportunity to see with their own eyes, what is a family...


LiMU volunteers during the training -"Restoration of justice".

Volunteers of NGO "League of Mediator of Ukraine" during simulation on training from Roman Koval, chairman of the Institute of Peace and Understanding - "Restoration of justice". More details by the link:...


Master-class "Familiarity with Family Mediation" was held for Veteran Hub employees and residents.

The first one started! On November 29, 2018, a master-class "Familiarity with Family Mediation" was held for Veteran Hub employees and residents. Hope this was helpful! Later on, everyone who visits the...


"Is it possible to use mediation techniques in the process of settling a dispute with the participation of a judge provided for by the relevant chapters of the CPC, GPC, CAP?"

The answer to this and other issues was clarified by Angela Krychena, co-founder of the League of Mediators of Ukraine, in her usual community but now as a coach. On November 23,...


LiMU on the air UA: Ukrainian radio!

40 minutes, is it a lot or a little?! Depends for what! Talk about Family mediation and League of Mediators of Ukraine projects on the radio - it turned out too little....


League of Mediators of Ukraine – organization-resident of Veteran Hub!

Julia Repin, Anna Zubachova, Anzhela Krychina, Tatyana Bilyk and Team - welcome to the Veteran Hub, a platform for public organizations acting in the field of veterans' affairs. League of Mediators of...


LiMU won out according to the selection’s result - "Successful practices implementing of the local initiatives in territorial issues solving»

To be noted and rewarded for their social activities and volunteering by the Kyiv city state administration - is very pleasant and at the same time exciting. Insignia always inspires for the...


Another event, or something more?

Another event, or something more?We believe that conflicts can, and have to, be solved in a peaceful way, through the powerful tool of family mediation operated by qualified professionals. This time, we were...


When is family mediation actually needed?

Ms. Anzhela KRICHININA, a family and business mediator, and the Co-Founder of Ukrainian Mediation League, a Non-Governmental Organisation, shares her opinion in respect of this question in the Article for Legal IT Club,...


Ukrainian Mediation League NGO and Veteran Hub ++ CF sign Memorandum of cooperation

Ukrainian Mediation League, a Non-Governmental Organisation, and Veteran Hub ++ Charitable Foundation signed the Memorandum of Cooperation.We intend joint efforts and efficient cooperation in order to launch the Centre of Social Services...


Cooperation agreement between LiMU and Social and Mental Rehabilitation Centre for Children "FATHER’S HOME"

"FATHER’S HOME" Social and Mental Rehabilitation Centre for Children in Kyiv Region and Ukrainian Mediation League, a Non-Governmental Organisation, entered into the Cooperation Agreement providing for family mediation social services as the...


Memorandum of Cooperation between LiMU & Central Local Office of Justice in Kyiv

On July 26, Ukrainian Mediation Leaque and the Central Local Office of Justicein Kyiv signed the Memorandum of Cooperation. We do sincerely appreciate the contributions of the Chair of the Central Local Office of...



We congratulate Ms. Tetiana BILYK who has been appointed as an International Family Mediation Contact for the International Social Service General Secretariat (Geneva, Switzerland), and our colleagues, family mediators from Ukrainian Mediation Leaque, who...


Participation in the Youth Day Event

All our friends, partners, and everyone who’d like to learn more about family mediation and join the major youth opportunities platform, are welcome! Please, follow this link for more details:


Participation of LiMU trainers in the project implemented by GIZ Ukraine and the Institute of peace and conciliation

Following the invitation by the Institute of peace and conciliation in cooperation with GIZ Ukraine, Ms. Tetiana BILYK, Ms. Olga SIMOKHODSKA, Ms. Anna ZUBACHOVA and Ms. Yulia REPINA participated in the Project of Qualification Improvement for Family...


Ukrainian Mediation League took part in "Boulevard. I have the right!" event devoted to the Kyiv City Day

The Event under ‘I HAVE THE RIGHT’ Nationwide Educating Project organised by the Kyiv Central Office of Justice took place on the Kyiv City Day, May 26. Ukrainian Mediation League was invited by...


Memorandum of Cooperation between LiMU & Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Memorandum of Cooperation between LiMU & Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and IndustryOn April 25, 2018, the Memorandum of Cooperation between Ukrainian Mediation League (LiMU) and the Kyiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry...


Memorandum of Cooperation between LiMU and Ukrainian Mediation Centre

Due to the support of the Ukrainian Mediation Centre, the implementation of our Social Project of cooperation with Child Affairs Offices for the purpose of family mediation services keeps on, extends to...


GARO&Partners Law firm & Ukrainian Mediation League

GARO&Partners Law Firm and Ukrainian Mediation League signed the Memorandum of Cooperation purporting joint efforts in development of the family mediation market. 


LiMU and Municipal Childcare Centre Sign Cooperation Agreement

The Ukrainian Mediation League, a Non-Governmental Organisation, and the Municipal Childcare Centre signed the Cooperation Agreement aimed at collaboration to prevent child upbringing disputes arising between parents, which may contribute to a decrease in the...